
WebSpeechAPIDemonstration·GoogleChrome/webplatform-samples:上述範例的原始碼·W3C:WebSpeechAPISpecification,19October2012·TheWebSpeechAPI ...,2013年1月13日—ThenewJavaScriptWebSpeechAPImakesiteasytoaddspeechrecognitiontoyourwebpages.ThisAPIallowsfinecontrolandflexibility ...,2023年7月7日—TheWebSpeechAPIprovidestwodistinctareasoffunctionality—speechrecognition...spec.However,fornowlet'sjustrunthro...

JavaScript (10)

Web Speech API Demonstration · GoogleChrome/webplatform-samples : 上述範例的原始碼 · W3C:Web Speech API Specification, 19 October 2012 · The WebSpeech API ...

Voice driven web apps

2013年1月13日 — The new JavaScript Web Speech API makes it easy to add speech recognition to your web pages. This API allows fine control and flexibility ...

Using the Web Speech API

2023年7月7日 — The Web Speech API provides two distinct areas of functionality — speech recognition ... spec. However, for now let's just run through it quickly:.

Web Speech API - MDN Web Docs

2023年2月19日 — The Web Speech API has two parts: SpeechSynthesis (Text-to-Speech), and SpeechRecognition (Asynchronous Speech Recognition.) Web Speech Concepts ...

Web Speech API Specification

2014年6月6日 — Abstract. This specification defines a JavaScript API to enable web developers to incorporate speech recognition and synthesis into their ...

The Developer's Guide to Web Speech API

2022年11月7日 — Web Speech API is a web technology that allows you to incorporate voice data into apps. It converts speech into text and vice versa using ...

Introduction To Web Speech API

2022年4月13日 — REST API documentation provides a clear and structured explanation of how to use the API, including its endpoints, parameters, and responses.

Web Speech API "Hands On" Tutorial for Developers

A short introduction to the API specification and this guide. The Web Speech API specification was introduced in 2012 by the W3C Community. Its goal was to ...

Speech API Community Group

2012年4月4日 — We have developed and published this Web Speech API Specification. For comments and questions, please contact the group on our public mailing ...